We want to give you an update about the current state of development. Currently we are working on content: characters, enemies, scenarios and everything needed for the game play (tokens, cards, boards, …). Our goal is to have a fully working and playtested prototype of the first chapter of the campaign ready at the end of the year. The game will consist of more chapters, the first chapter will be like the first ~20% of the campaign. Nevertheless it is far more than 20% of the game, since a big part is the general gameplay and balancing. Of course there will be more scenarios, characters and enemies in the final game – but once the core gameplay is set we think this will be a big step. We will then playtest this prototype over and over again, while adding new content.
In this development diary we want to talk a little bit more about the world, Day Zero is set in. It has been about three years since the outbreak, which made over 99% of the world population turn to different types of zombies. Most of them are the zombies you know, but we think adding more variety to the opponents you face makes gameplay more exciting and needs you to adapt your tactics with each scenario. But more on enemies in a later diary.
The other 1% of the population are somehow immune to the virus and therefore did not turn. Why, how – will maybe be revealed by the story of the game. This also means a scratch or bite from a zombie creature can not kill those immune characters. Nevertheless they can of course die, as zombies always hunt for human flesh. Day Zero plays in a western countryside area. There is no big city, but many farms, small villages and a lot of interesting places to visit and scavenge.
One big step for us was finding an artist, who is able to bring our vision of the game and the world into beautiful illustrations for our game. We are happy we found Nikoleta and she already started working, so we will have a lot to reveal in the coming month. The first thing she did was drawing a concept art of our world, so that you could better see our vision for the game. The artwork shows your homebase, which you as a player will extend and build up throughout the game. We think it perfectly portrays our vision, since we aim for a dark and more realistic style. We hope you like it!
To keep updated to our game you can subscribe to our mailing list, join our Facebook group or follow us on Instagram.

Eric · June 28, 2020 at 9:23 pm
This sounds like a great game. Was wondering if this was going to be a mini, card or straight up rpg?
Day Zero Team · June 29, 2020 at 12:25 pm
Hey Eric! It will be a board game – imagine it like a mix between Gloomhaven and Zombicide. We will have no dice, but card decks with different abilities and classes. Also you will be able to level up your character. The right equipement will play a much more important role then in Gloomhaven. Also we will ofter have multiple ways of solving a mission.